how is {?Procedure Name} being populated?...are there spaces on this? Do you need to trim it?
break this down to figure out what is going on...Create a formula as "TestInstring"
instr({Cath_Extension.IR_ProcedureType},trim({?Procedure Name}),1)>0
place it on your details section.
It should be TRUE whenever the text from your paramter falls inside your IRPRocType field. If not are there recurring circumstances that you think it should be doesn't that tells you why?
This has to be an exact match (not case sensitive because of the ,1 I added)
"Biopsy" will match "In a biopsy" but not "in a bi-opsy"
"Biopsy " will not match "biopsy" becasue of the spaces (hence trying the trim)
Edit : you can use lcase() to deal with your case issue in you other post...
lcase(field) like lcase(field)
Edited by DBlank - 20 Aug 2009 at 2:23pm