So, if I understand you correctly, you're using a subreport to get one or more fields of data to include in a row with other data in the main report. Correct?
If you haven't already done so, try this:
1. Suppress all sections in the subreport except the one that contains your data.
2. In your main report, get the height of the existing fields in the same line (on one - right-click and select "Size and Position"). Make all of the fields in the subreport the same height as the main report.
3. Put the subreport fields at the very top of the section they're in (Y = 0 in the Size and Position screen).
4. Move the bottom border of the section they're in up until it won't move up any more - it will stop at the bottom of the fields.
5. On your main report, make your subreport just a little bit taller than the main report data on the same line. Make it only as wide as the data it's showing.
6. Place the sub report so that it's top is at most a 10th of an inch above the other fields in your main report. You'll have to play with the position to get the data to line up.
Note: Be aware that if your users want to export to Excel, using a subreport this way may or may not export cleanly. There may not be anything you can do about this other than finding a way to get your data without the subreport.
Note2: Subreports are slow - it's not recommended to use them on details lines in the main report unless you have a very small set of data because they completely re-query the database every time they have to run to get the data you want.
Good luck!
Edited by hilfy - 17 Sep 2009 at 3:54pm