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Quote tsikilee Replybullet Posted: 30 Mar 2008 at 8:02am
It's much easier to work straight with the database. I didn't get the report work either with dataset.
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Quote mitch Replybullet Posted: 09 Apr 2008 at 11:03am
Hello Brian,
I am reading your book, being a newbie. I have created a report with crystal reports that is packaged with VS2005. I have copied it to a share, and and trying to use setdatasource with a dataset created from a sql stored proceedure. It looks like the reportsource is read properly but the data is form the original report query. I think I undersand what you said about using the .xsd, but if we change our application to a different server wouldn't I have to recreate the .xsd on that server?
I have been trying to set the datasource on the untyped report but have very unsuccessful. Is the .xsd the only method to do this? How can the original dataset be overritten?
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Quote BrianBischof Replybullet Posted: 09 Apr 2008 at 6:05pm
For your first question, you only need the .XSD on the development computer. CR loads the schema into the report file and saves it there permanently. If you change the structure of the dataset file (in ANY way), then you need to create a new XSD and do a Set Datasource Location to force CR to read in the new XSD file.

Re the second question, check the report options and ReportDocument properties to make sure that you aren't saving the data with the report. I've seen other people post similar questions, but this has never happened to me and I don't know the resolution. I make sure I turn off all options to save report data and I use the ReportDocument.SetDataSource() method to load the new dataset into the report (thus overwriting the original dataset)
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Quote mitch Replybullet Posted: 10 Apr 2008 at 10:19am
Thanks for the quick reply. I appreciate your time.
I have Discard Saved data when loading reports Checked
After more testing, I found that it was actually passing the dataset, but the Report Selection Criteria from the Designer was still executing.
I stripped out the Record Select statement and the Grouping out of the Report Designer and put the report back on the share and then the code to pass the dataset works.
Now I have to read up on passing/maniplulating Formula Fields, Parameters and RecordSelection formulas.
Anyone have any tips for these?
Also in the code below
shouldn't the first way work?

    Private Sub cmdPrintPreview_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdPrintPreview.Click


        Dim strReportName As String = " "

        Dim strDisplayedReportName As String = " "

        Dim strReportPath As String = " "

        Dim SelItem As ListView.SelectedListViewItemCollection


        Dim strStoredProcName As String = " "



        Dim crpt As New ReportDocument


        ‘frmReportsViewer has CrystalReportsViewer1

        Dim objfrmReportViwer As New frmReportsViewer


        Dim rptDataSet As New DataSet()

        Dim rptDataAdapter As New SqlDataAdapter()

        Dim rptcommand As New SqlCommand()

        Dim rptconnect As New SqlConnection()



        'Check to see if user has selected a displayed report name from the list, then get the actual report name


            SelItem = Me.lvReportNames.SelectedItems

            If Me.lvReportNames.SelectedItems.Count = 0 Then

                MessageBox.Show("Please select Report and then click Print.")

                Exit Sub


                strDisplayedReportName = RTrim(SelItem(0).SubItems(0).Text)

            End If


            strReportName = RTrim(GetReportName(strDisplayedReportName))


        Catch ex As Exception

            MessageBox.Show("Report Selection error. cmdPrintPreview_Click")

            MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString, C_TITLE, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)

            Call Close()

        End Try


        strStoredProcName = "usp_" & strReportName




            rptconnect = New SqlClient.SqlConnection(gstrCNNString)


            rptcommand = New SqlClient.SqlCommand(strStoredProcName, rptconnect)


            With rptcommand

                .Connection = gcnnSQLConnection

                .CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

                .CommandText = "usp_" & strReportName

            End With


            rptDataAdapter.SelectCommand = rptcommand


            rptDataAdapter.Fill(rptDataSet, "ReportQuery")



            ‘Returns the correct number of rows from SQL Server stored proc



        Catch ex As Exception

            MessageBox.Show("Data retrieval error. cmdPrintPreview_Click")

            MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString, C_TITLE, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)

            Call Close()

        End Try


        'Check to see if the data retrieval returned rows.



            If rptDataSet.Tables.Item("ReportQuery").Rows.Count = 0 Then

                MessageBox.Show("No data returned for your report. Check report paramters and expand criteria if applicable.")



                Exit Sub



                ' Data found run the report

                strReportPath = c_REPORTNAMEPATH & RTrim(strReportName) & ".rpt"


                If Not IO.File.Exists(strReportPath) Then

                    MessageBox.Show("No Path")

                End If


                ‘It loads the report from a shared dir correctly

                crpt.Load (strReportPath)


                ‘Doesn’t load the dataset into the report.






                With objfrmReportViwer

                    .CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = crpt



                End With

Edited by mitch - 10 Apr 2008 at 2:07pm
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Quote sarah7 Replybullet Posted: 25 Mar 2009 at 1:13pm
I, too, am new to this and am having trouble getting data from a single table into a crystal report.  I have set up a small test database with a few tables and some dummy data.  I've defined a data set as the source for my Visual Studio 2008 project.  The data set appears to be getting filled correctly from my database, as I can right click on a table in the Visual Studio Data Sources window, select Preview Data - and there it is.  But when I define the Data Source Location in the crystal report to be that data set, and preview it - I am picking up some default data from somewhere with days of the weeks, colours of the rainbow (Grey, Green Blue Lime  etc.)  When I execute my application (which does nothing yet except kick off a Crystal Report Viewer) the table appears in Form1 but with no data.  I am stumped, please help.
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Quote mitch Replybullet Posted: 25 Mar 2009 at 2:14pm
I ran in this too, pretty common I think.  Try going into Field Explorer -> under Database Fields -> Right click and chose Set Datasource Location. You'll have to drill down to your table or query for your server. Hope this helps.
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Quote sarah7 Replybullet Posted: 25 Mar 2009 at 3:18pm
Hi Mitch
I checked Database Fields in the Field Explorer, and it is correctly set to point to the appropriate table in my Dataset.  So it must be something else, any more ideas?
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Quote mitch Replybullet Posted: 25 Mar 2009 at 3:43pm
Hi Sarah7
Sorry, these are under Field Explorer. From Crystal Reports -> Field Explorer. Right click on Database Fields -> Set Datasource Location
Connect to your database and table. I had to play with those setting till I was able to set my datasource from there.
Then under Set Datasource Location under properties I manually changed the Provider: SQLOLEDB, Data Source: 'my server name' , Inital Catalog: 'my table name'
I am using SQL Server.

Edited by mitch - 25 Mar 2009 at 3:58pm
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Quote sarah7 Replybullet Posted: 25 Mar 2009 at 3:59pm
Hi Mitch:
I don't have those options.  Under Set Datasource Location...Current Data Source: I only have report, not server.
Under report ->sarahDataSet Properties I have:
Database Type: ADO.NET
Internal Connection ID: {some hex stuff}
Class Name: WindowsApplication1.sarahDataSet
One other thing, just now I set up a new project, using the same procedure for defining my data source as before.  Instead of Crystal reporting, I created a Microsoft Report, used Microsoft Report Viewer and added it to my Form.  I was able to execute this and see my data in the report. This gives me some confidence that I have set up the database (SQL server) and the dataset correctly, and the dataset is clearly getting populated.  So somehow I am not configuring or connecting Crystal Reports properly to my dataset.
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Quote mitch Replybullet Posted: 25 Mar 2009 at 4:18pm
Hi Sarah7,
Excellent getting your report to connect. do you have a connection setting... from solution Explorer -> right click on your project name - > properties -> Settings ... select type = connection -> click on elipses to set the Value....
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