I have a report that I want to summarize different business information during any period I enter as a parameter. I have a main report summarizing bank deposits, a sub-report summarizing sales taxes collected for different jurisdictions, another summarizing gross profits. This info is all in three tables with database links.
I have a start date and end date parameter set on the main report. I need to pass these parameters to the sub-reports so that all of the information is from the same date period. Here's what I've tried:
- StartDate (as a date field)
- EndDate (also as a date field)
- On the main report
- Named "Assign End Date"
- Shared DateVar ShrEndDate;
- Named "Assign Start Date"
- shared dateVar ShrStartDate;
ShrStartDate :={?StartDate};
- On each Sub-Report
- Named "Place End Date"
- Shared DateVar ShrEndDate;
- You probably get the idea on Start Date.
When I place the field "Place End Date" into the sub-report anywhere, It shows empty. I've tried placing it in the details section, any of the group and report headers. Empty.
I try using the "Assign" formula on the main report; it has the data. What am I doing wrong?
None of the sub-reports are suppressed.
Edited by KenN - 05 Oct 2010 at 8:50am