When you have a dynamic parameter/prompt in a report that is published to BO or CRS, the prompt itself is stored in the "Repository" and needs to be configured using the Business View Manager (BVM). If you don't have a shortcut to the BVM, the application is CrystalBVM.exe and it can be found in the win32_x86 folder of you BO or CRS installation.
1. Run the BVM and log in to you CMS.
2. In the Repository Explorer, open the "Dynamic Cascading Prompts" folder.
3. You should see a set of 6 objects that have the same name as your prompt, one of which is a "Prompt Group" and four of which end with and underscore and two letters. .
4. Double-click on the one that ends in "_DC". This is your Data Connection. In the Object Explorer, right-click on the name and select "Edit Password". Enter the User ID and the Password that your report uses to log in to the database. If you do NOT want the login screen to appear for the dynamic prompt, change the Runtime Prompt Mode to "Never prompt." After you've clicked on OK, save the data connection.
5. The object name that is just the name of your prompt with no other information is the "List of Values". When running reports outside of BO or CRS, Crystal automatically runs the query to get the values for the prompt at runtime. When running inside BO or CRS, the List of Values has to be scheduled to run. If the data never changes, you can run it once. If it changes frequently, you'll need to run it more often. This is what the "List of Values" server in your system does. To schedule the LOV, right-click on the List of Values in the Repository Explorer and select "Schedule List of Values". I usually do this twice - once as Run Now, after which I wait for a minute or two and go to the properties for the LOV to determine whether it was successful, and then again to set the regular schedule.
After you have this configured, DO NOT do a Repository Update if you make changes to the report and republish it unless there are significant changes to the SQL - you will overwrite everything you've just configured.