I created the report using crystal report 11 and am firing it through an asp page using the smartviewer. The report is based on the record selection formula based on order_num in list.
When i try to open the report by providing the arguments to the asp page i get the following error.
'Error Occurred Reading Records: Logon failed. Details: [Database Vendor Code: 18452 ]-2147189176
My Code in the asp goes as:
Session("oRpt").RecordSelectionFormula = "{ReportView1.order_num} in[" & ordno & "]"
Please advise....i think it is related to some data base access rights for the report but am not sure how to resolve it because it works fine on the designer.
I also want to refresh the report everytime before it is generated. How can this be done so that the previous generated values on the report are discarded.
Edited by abhi81 - 17 Jan 2007 at 2:34pm