Nobody is answering my question only viewing.Is anything wrong with my question or is it much difficult???
Which version of crystal report supports Editable Rich Text Format. Now i dng in Version Crystal Report Version 2008 coming along with Visual Studio 2008. But this version supports only rich text format not Editable Rich Text Format.Once we export the report in rich text format(version 2008),it is considering tables as frames, that means it is very difficult to modifications like deleing a row like we are doing in word. But the latest version(actually i dont know which version)it is considering exported tables not as frames,that means we are able to do operations in the exported table very easily.Actually which version i have to install for that.Is it compatible with studio 2008 that means ,reports that i created in crystal report 2008 can be used in new version also without any modifications
Edited by Thara - 02 Oct 2011 at 3:12am