Hey everyone
I am in desperate need of help. I am writing this program for my mom in c# (windows application) in visual studio 2005. I have done everything so far and got it to work, I prefer doing manual coding to using wizards because I have more control then and I am used to coding. The program is a leave management system, basically you enter employee details, then you add leave for that employee, example, Jannie Botha is on leave between the 28th and the 30th of April 2007 because his wife gave birth (Leave Type B) then. So there is a leave type in the system.
The input is working great and everything, but the problem comes with the report. The main purpose of the program is to generate the specified reports. I have played a bit around with Crystal Repots and done some reports in it, but I am struggling with the leave report I have to create in Crystal Reports.
My database design is included below (not that many employees, about 800 - so I figured Access would be sufficient because I can’t really install SQL or Oracle on their machines).
The Report should contain:
The employee name, etc.
A legend with the leave types from the leave table and their corresponding color
A per 6 month report grid, depending on which half of the year it is, it should automatically generate that half of the year’s 6 months in full, meaning printing small blocks for every day of every month. The specific day of the month should also be specified at the axis, eg. Monday - the 21st. Then, for all the leave entries in the leave table, the corresponding blocks in the report grid should be colored according to the leave date & the leave type (leave color). The day block should be generated on the amount of days the month has. (should make provision for leap years).
Please I would really appreciate it if anyone could help or point me in the correct direction. I am doing this to simplify my moms work, because they expect her to create 800+ word perfect documents and go and color the blocks in every table in every cell in every document (pretty dumb I know).
(The db design and the report is included as attachments).
Thanks for reading this.
Edited by BrianBischof - 28 Oct 2007 at 10:33pm