numbervar x := {table.valuefield};
stringvar y:= totext(x,2,"");
stringvar str:= right("000000" & left(y,instr(y,".")-1),6);
stringvar array w:= ["One","Two","Three","Four","Five","Six","Seven","Eight","Nine","Zero"];
numbervar one;
numbervar two;
numbervar thr;
numbervar fou;
numbervar fiv;
numbervar six;
one:= if mid(str,1,1) = "0" then 10 else tonumber(mid(str,1,1));
two:= if mid(str,2,1) = "0" then 10 else tonumber(mid(str,2,1));
thr:= if mid(str,3,1) = "0" then 10 else tonumber(mid(str,3,1));
fou:= if mid(str,4,1) = "0" then 10 else tonumber(mid(str,4,1));
fiv:= if mid(str,5,1) = "0" then 10 else tonumber(mid(str,5,1));
six:= if mid(str,6,1) = "0" then 10 else tonumber(mid(str,6,1));
Redefine x with your value field and that should give you what you want (Assuming your value field never amounts to more than 999,999.99). You'll need six versions of the formula to display each character in a separate field, ie in your second one you would replace w[one] with w[two].