Thanks for reading my post.
I am a Crystal newbie who has inherited some reports that need modifying and new fields adding. Crystal is version 11, our ERP is Epicor Vantage 8.03 and the report partly uses a BAQ and then sub reports that have a direct ODBC connection to the database.
The subreprot that won't show the new fields uses formula fields so that we can display fields with entries but not display ones without. I'm not sure if this is the correct way it should be done but as i say i am just modifying a pre exisiting report.
I have ammended the syntax (crystal syntax) to include my new fields and checked it all and it shows no errors. I can even use the browse data option and see the data in the forumla editor and it shows up. In the field explorer the fields then show with a green tick next to them indicating they are being used in the report however with formula fields you just see the formula field present not the fields used within it.
The record selection formula is the result of the BAQ. i.e. for this job number and this test get me the results.
I have been trying everything for the last 2 days to get this new data to show and i'm really confused as to why i can see it when i do the browse data yet when i do print preview i get nothing. When i actually run it through Vantage i get an error 'Invalid Field Number' so something is not right.
Not sure if that has explained my issue and if anyone can help it would be much apprecaited.