we are using Visual Studio 2008 for Crystal Reports. We have "Go To" page text box and "Go To" button next to it. When user enter a page number in the "Go To" textbox and clicks on "Go To" button, the reports displays the entered page. But how to handle if the user enters non-numeric values / leaves empty in the "Go To" textbox and then clicks on the button ? Is it possible to restrict the "Go To" textbox to enter only numeric values ?
If the user enters non-numeric characters in "Go To" textbox and clicks on "Go To" button, the report displays the following error.
Logon failed. Details: crdb_adoplus : Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Error in File D:\......\Temp\......rpt: Unable to connect: incorrect log on parameters.
Do we have any "OnGoTo" event just like "OnSearch" event in Crystal Reports 2008 so that I can verify the entered page number is valid or not before displaying the requested page ?
We are handling "OnSearch" event when the user leaves the Find textbox empty and clicks on the "Find" button.
Thank you.