This is the entire formula
if {@1st_sort} = "OUTSD" or {@1st_sort} = "DELVRY" then [{CfgCalc.Cost1}, {CfgCalc.Cost2}, {CfgCalc.Cost3}, {CfgCalc.Cost4}, {CfgCalc.Cost5}] [{@QtyIndex}] * 1.15
else if {@1st_sort} = "LABOR" then
[{CfgCalc.AICCost1}, {CfgCalc.AICCost2}, {CfgCalc.AICCost3}, {CfgCalc.AICCost4}, {CfgCalc.AICCost5}] [{@QtyIndex}]*{@LaborMU}
else if {@1st_sort} = "MATRL" then
( if {@2nd_sort} = "001" then
[{CfgInkCalc.Cost1}, {CfgInkCalc.Cost2}, {CfgInkCalc.Cost3}, {CfgInkCalc.Cost4}, {CfgInkCalc.Cost5}] [{@QtyIndex}] * 1.1
else if {@2nd_sort} = "000" then
[{CfgStockCalc.Cost1}, {CfgStockCalc.Cost2}, {CfgStockCalc.Cost3}, {CfgStockCalc.Cost4}, {CfgStockCalc.Cost5}] [{@QtyIndex}] * 1.12
[{CfgCalc.Cost1}, {CfgCalc.Cost2}, {CfgCalc.Cost3}, {CfgCalc.Cost4}, {CfgCalc.Cost5}] [{@QtyIndex}] * 1.1
else 0
This is in Group header #3 and it is suppressed. This is then summed in Group Footer# 3
But the red text is coming in blank.
2nd sort calculates fine. You can see that it is multiplied by a number. Whereas 1st sort need to be multiplied by a formula because the value will change. @LaborMU is a user input number