I using some crystal report .rpt files in my application (.NET Web Application) to generate pdf reports. I am using DataSets to get data to the Crystal Reports. I have been using a set of parameters to be passed to a function (to open the report, the sub-reports ,etc and export the data) to generate the report. Now I have changed the parameters (changed one parameter which was being passed as a dataset, to an array of objects now) for some additional functionality. The application is working fine in my PC. But when I package the application and install it in another system it is throwing this error:
CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.LogOnException: Error in File <Report Path>.rpt:
Unable to connect: incorrect log on parameters.
But if I uninstall this application and put back the previous version of application package (in which this change of parameter is not included), the report is being generated fine. What could be the issue? The database is all the same. There is no change on the Database side.
Can anyone help?? It is a bit urgent...please!
Edited by RJSu - 23 Sep 2008 at 1:18am