I have a simple cross-tab with a single row and single column field, and single count summary!
I'm glad to find the row group sort expert for the left row to let me to a Top N. I just really want to do a Top N on the field that's across the top as well, but that's not an option. Why can't I do the same for that? The way it works out is that I have totals across the top which are useful, but in random order. I want to have them in descending order, to have even more info.
I am thinking it can't be done because the grid of crossed values relies on that layout to cross-ref those values - if the totalled values were put in order, the other Top N values on the left would be out of order? Am I right?
So the only option is to take the column field and put it with the row field, which itself wrecks some layout as well, so I have to choose one way or the other. Damn data. Is there an alternative way? I can't see a way to discern anything by SQL or a formula to put into the cross-tab components.
I'm glad to learn this from such a simple 3-component cross-tab...