I have built a report for my company to do inventory checks and ballances and could use some help with the formula...
1 Qty_Recieved-Inventory that was recieved today
2 Qty_Onhand -Current stocked inventory including what was just recieved...!!!
3 Qty_Allocated-To a sales order or transfer
These are all numbers from the Sql Tables
I created the formula named "to Stock" as the number of each item that should be left on the recieving table to be checked off at the end of the day. Which should be Qty recieved - qty allocated not including what we already allocated from on_hand inventory.
I think I have the formula correct as
{@Old On hand} >= {p21_view_inv_loc.qty_allocated} then {p21_view_po_line.qty_received} else if
{@Old On hand} < {p21_view_inv_loc.qty_allocated} then {p21_view_inv_loc.qty_on_hand} - {p21_view_inv_loc.qty_allocated}
Edited by Georgehusong - 31 Oct 2008 at 11:12am