We’re reporting
notes, grouped by author, date, and sequence #, and sorted by page #. (Each
note is made up of one or more records depending on the length. All the records
in a note have the same sequence # but different page #’s. The sequence #’s
start over each day.)
The group 3
(sequence #) header is hidden but it initializes the formula
stringvar AllText :=""
Details are
also hidden, but builds the AllText variable as:
stringvar allText;
allText :=
allText & {notes.notetext};
character count is = 250 then field is full and a word is split, no space
//If count
is less than 250 then field was trimmed, insert space
length({notes.notetext}) < 250 Then
allText := allText & " "
group 3 footer displays the full note using the formula:
the formula
field is formatted ‘Can Grow’ so the footer is split, with the formula in 3a
& a line in 3b. Putting the line in 3a puts it right thru the middle of the
note when it grows larger than the ‘design’ field. Making the design field
large enough to accommodate an entire note isn’t viable-notes can be as long as
an entire page.
(this is
the original version, which doesn’t work; the second version, below, doesn’t
split the footer but it has the same problem as the first version)
The only
group settings (other than hide/suppress) is Keep Together for group 3. The
problem is that when we suppress section 3b we get full pages of notes (except
when the next note is too long for the remainder of a page). When we don’t
suppress it some of the pages are only half full even though there’s plenty of
room for the next note.
As an
alternative, I tried suppressing 3b & adding the line to the formula as:
stringvar allText;
allText &
ChrW(13) &
work. Strangely, it works if I omit the line (allText & ChrW(13)) but as
soon as I add even a single character to the line (even a space) the problem