Thanks, that makes sense. Here's what I did:
1. In the main report, under Edit>>Subreport Links, I linked @varSTATES to my subreport. I did not check "Select data in subreport based on this field" because the SP parameter @STATE_CODES did not show in the drop-down list.
When I run the main report, I'm prompted to enter the Crystal Parameter that generates varSTATES. This is what I expect. I selected VA, MD and DC from my drop down list multi-select list. To confirm varSTATES looks like I expect, I have that field in my main report and it looks like I want it to - 'VA','MD','DC'.
However, I'm also prompted for @STATE_CODE - the parameter set-up in the stored procedure in the subreport. Since I want the value of varSTATES to flow to this, I don't want to be prompted for it as well. Also, the whole reason why I'm jumping through hoops to get it this way is because I need the user to enter multiple value from a drop down list (can only do with a Crystal Parameter) and then have that string sent to a stored procedure.
A bigger issue is that my subreport comes up blank. Somehow the string of states isn't getting from the main report to the subreport via the linking.
I'm using basic syntax in the SP, just to make sure that @STATE_CODE is populating corrected. All the SP should do is return the string of states 'VA',MD',DC'
Create procedure rpt_EmergencyPreparedness
@STATE_CODE varchar(255)
set nocount on
Create table #EmergencyPreparedness (STATE char(255))
Insert into #EmergencyPreparedness (STATE)
Select * from #EmergencyPreparedness
Drop table #EmergencyPreparedness