hi guy..I suffer now which is..
I got 1 database with the name as test and two table which is userdetails and userearns..
in the crystal report I oni drag and drop the field that I want..then in the c# program there I code as below..
string sql = null;
string ConnectionString = @"driver={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver};server=localhost;database=test;uid=root;pwd=unified;";
OdbcConnection myConnection = new OdbcConnection(ConnectionString);
//sql = "select * from testtable where testcol1 like '" + txtSearch.Text + "%'";
//sql = "select userid,isdate,amountearn,isname,sex from (select userid,isdate,amountearn from userearns) as A left join (select userid as userid_2,isname,sex from userdetails) as B on a.userid = b.userid_2";
//sql = "select * from userearns e left outer join userdetails d on e.userid = d.userid";
//sql = "select a.userid,a.isdate,a.amountearn,b.isname,b.sex from userearns a, userdetails b where a.userid = b.userid";
sql = "select userid,isdate,amountearn from userearns";
OdbcDataAdapter myDataAdapter = new OdbcDataAdapter(sql, myConnection);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
//dscmd.Fill(ds, "test");
myDataAdapter.Fill(ds, "test");
ReportDocument myReportDocument;
myReportDocument = new ReportDocument();
myReportDocument.Load("C:\\Users\\MIS User\\Documents\\Report File\\Test_report2.rpt"); // Here pass the crystall report file name
crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = myReportDocument;
It no error and problem and also can display it out..but the problem is it display repeadtly results..which is wrong output..may I know why this happen? it is urgent for me..ur help I will feel appreciate..thanks alotz