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Quote TokyoAnt Replybullet Posted: 25 Mar 2007 at 8:46pm
Hi Hilfy,
Thanks fro your response & suggestions.
In implementing what you put forward, I came across what I feel is the crux of the problem here. It's in the
If left({table.OrganizationName}, 2) = 'IS' then {detail table.count} else 0
For some reason, my code completely ignores this. It never choses it, even though I've tested the string to be 'IS' when manipulated (by displaying it).
I'm currently putting this in a formula as suggested. I've tested the formula to return a simlpe value "7" for example. That works fine, but when I create a global variable, & increment it in the "If" conditional above , it returns 0. Why would this be the case.  Even if I create a simple globalVar := globalVar + 1; globalVar;  it always returns 0.
Shouldn't this increment for every row in each group that starts with "IS"?
Thanks very much for your thoughts on this
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Quote TokyoAnt Replybullet Posted: 25 Mar 2007 at 8:50pm
Even this returns 0;
if Left(({ResourceUsageReport.OrganizationName}),2) = "IS"
I've displayed Left(({ResourceUsageReport.OrganizationName}),2)
& it returns "IS"
Hope this helps.
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Quote hilfy Replybullet Posted: 26 Mar 2007 at 7:25am

How are you using the formula?  You don't put the actual formula on the report, but instead you'll use the SUM of the formula.  I created the formula based on your example - does the field data actually start with 'IS'?

Just as a test, put the formula in the details line next to the actual count field.  It should display either the count or 0 depending on what kind of a line it's on.
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Quote TokyoAnt Replybullet Posted: 30 Mar 2007 at 12:20am
Hey Hilfy,
Thanks for all your input. Fortunately (phew) the company structure has changed which meant I just went into the Backend table & trimmed all the fields to the first two characters IS,MC etc. So now I don't need to worry about this conundrum. Apologies for this. It is a very interesting problem without yet a solution. Something tells me that this cannont be done in Crystal as I've tried so many differerent way, many being your ideas as well.
Oh well, it's all a learning experience!Ouch
Thanks very much anyway!
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