Thank you for taking time to help me out. I'll look into those links.
For now, I have an urgent issue to resolve: I got this error:
"Query Engine error[IBM][IBM Driver] CLI0125E Function sequence error HY010" when I tried to connect to then same Data Soure for two tables in different schema.
It is lke this:
1) Write a new CR 10 report using the Designer Wizard.
2) Connect to predefined data soure named "National_Cust" which connects to a DB2 database using ODBC to connect to table SchemaX.Customer thru a Stored Proc SP100. Insert fields to the report, preview and data displayed fine.
3) Connect to this same data source "National_Cust" to connect to a table SchemaY.EMP. It is fine after connecting.
4) Insert a field from 2nd table onto the report.
5 Press Preview ---> got the error !!!!
Note: The connection to the data source is logged on using SchemaX (Id/Pw) for both tables.
Hope you can help me on this one.