Hmm, This crosstab that i've been working on for past few weeks
(sigh they continuesly want something new with it. o well keeps me workin lol)
Now they request some conditional formatting. We have an abnormal_flag_ind that has been combound (is that a word, no red swiggly under it so i guess so hehe...) with the results.
So basically there's several ind's in this filed. "A", "N", "H", "HH", "L", and "LL" and for these, we want to change the font of the field
so i wrote this in the x-2 of the style section of the font for these:
if IsNull ({abnorm_flags}) or {abnorm_flags} = "" or {abnorm_flags} = "N"
then crRegular
if {abnorm_flags} = "H" or {abnorm_flags} = "HH" or {abnorm_flags} = "A"
then crBold
if {abnorm_flags} = "L" or {abnorm_flags} = "LL"
then crRegular
aswell as this in the color section:
if {abnorm_flags} = "L" or {abnorm_flags} = "LL"
then crSilver
But, it doesn't modify anything... Everything looks the same...
any suggestions?