Sorry, this is probably a crystal reports 101 question. But I can't seem to get it to work properly.
I have a report that is pulling 6 different records that are each in their own line. I want a column in that line to show a certain number that isn't in a database anywhere for that specific cell depending on which record is in that line. I need a formula that states if this record is on this line then put this number in this space? Sorry if it's confusing. Here is an example
Record A $5000 $10000 525
So if Record A is on that line I want 525 to show in that space on so on for each record.
But again, those numbers aren't in a datatbase. They are numbers that I would like to be able to go into the formula and update on a quarterly basis
Edited by clearvision - 27 Aug 2009 at 6:51am