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Quote rowcpa Replybullet Topic: Problem Running Report
    Posted: 19 Jun 2007 at 10:46am

I have an Access database I use for creating reports for salaries.  I have a table for each month in the year for both budget and actual, 24 tables in total by the end of the year.  I create all 12 budget tables at the start of the year.  The actual tables are created as the year progresses by exporting the data from the accounting system to Excel then making that into an Access table.  Each table consist of each employees ID and how much he/she was paid/budgeted that period.  Just those two fields.  All the tables are all pulled together in a queary and the Crystal report runs on that query.  I also include a table in this query that links the employee ID with names, divisions, etc.  The tables are from around 150 records to 300, depending on which salary account.  It is not all that much data in any case. 

Every year I have done this towards the end of the year the reports start failing.  When I switch from design view in Crystal to the report view it will take an inordinate amount of time for the report to run.  Sometimes if I have other programs open and I try and run the report Crystal crashes.  I have worked around it by waiting until the end of the day, closing everything but Crystal then running the report when I leave, letting it have all night to run the report with system resources devoted to nothing but Crystal.
I think it is Crystal having some sort of problem accessing data in a query that comes from multiple tables, which is why the problems always start towards the end of the year (I am on a fiscal year end June).  Today this was confirmed for me.  In April I had run a report for  a salary account through March.  Some time after that report ran I had a computer problem and some memory was lost and removed from my PC.  No changes were made to the salary DB for the account in questions between when it ran and today.  But with the missing memory the March report I ran in April would not run.  During lunch I had new memory installed in my PC.  After lunch with the new memory the report again ran.  Unfortunately a report on a different salary account that is updated through May is crashing Crytsal.
Can anyone confirm a known problem like this and offer a fix?  If there is nothing easy that can be done I am going to try having just one table per account and adding fields for the new months as they occur but would rather keep my current system since I do not think it is asking too much of Crystal to read a query built on two dozen tables.
I have version 8.5
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Quote BrianBischof Replybullet Posted: 19 Jun 2007 at 12:07pm
Sounds like you have a mess of tables on your hands! Yes, I would say that this is overwhelming CR and causing the slow down. Consolidating data into fewer tables and making sure you have indexes setup for the fields that are being linked on is very important. Also, how much memory do you have in your computer? I hope its a lot. I would run 'taskmgr' and watch your system resources when the report runs. I bet it goes to 100% maxes them out and might even have to use the swap file on your hard drive (VERY time consuming). This will help diagnose things for you.
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Quote rowcpa Replybullet Posted: 19 Jun 2007 at 1:19pm
Everything is indexed.
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