Hello Brian,
I've been looking at your tutorial web page in which you promise to provide with 3 books online along with video's. Just curious to know about the first book i.e crystal report xi which version would be given while on training? before making the payment I want to ensure that you have written this book on latest edition i.e 2008 and not xi. Also I had seen that you were offering one month subscription for some 9 point someting USD but now I cannot see that promotion , the web page displays only 24.95 USD, this means that now I cant avail that offer?
Also after subscription would I be eligible for all the 3 books? what about the renewal fee?
Please help me find answers for these. Currently I am working on crystal reports from over an year now and would like to make a career in Business Intelligence. I have been developing suits of products and still waiting for them to be more powerful before I start promoting them.
Thank you