Hi all,
I am a bit new to crystal reports but came into the following issue :
I have a table which looks like the following :
Row Column A - Column B - Column C - Column D etc
I 221 0 null data I
II 222 0 221 data II
III 223 1 221 data III
IV 224 0 null data IV
V 225 0 null data V
VI 226 0 225 data VI
VII 227 1 225 data VII
As you can see row I, II and III belong together as 221 is repeated and rows V, VI and VII belong together.
What I would like to see on my report with the table as given is the following :
221 223 data III
224 data IV
225 227 data VII
I'll try to put it in words as well : If there is a 1 in column B I want to print column C followed by column A followed by Column D (with rows I, II and III, I only want to print the last row)
However if there is no 1 in column B I want to print Column A followed by an empty space and then Column D (as example with row IV).
I hope someone can help me with this. I have tried the if function but i can't get it working with the null (i am guessing this is the problem) value.
Thanks in advance for any help on this.