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Quote nzmikew Replybullet Topic: Parameter not working for user Crystal XI
    Posted: 21 Jul 2007 at 3:26am
Crystal XI Report has a parameter "Changes" with values "Yes" and "No"
User 1 login in to Terminal Server,  logins into business system as user 1, runs report - it works (they choose "Yes" and it's entered into the parameter field)
User 2 Login in to TS, logins into business system as user 2, runs report - it does not work.
Login in TS as user 1, login into business system as user 2, runs report it works
My initial thoughts is that there is a security issue, but cann't see any difference in user security, but at the point of selecting a parameter value, what happens in the background which would involve security settings?????
Any suggestions would be appreciated
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Quote BrianBischof Replybullet Posted: 21 Jul 2007 at 11:55am
If you're entering a parameter then it has to query the database to pull the data for the record selection formula. If the parameter isn't in the selection formula then it still needs to query the database for the report data.

I wonder if you can run the SQL Profiler and see if you can see an error message about why the user isn't allowed access. That might help narrow down the problem.
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Quote nzmikew Replybullet Posted: 21 Jul 2007 at 1:55pm
I tried that couldn't see anything, but I will check again. I sort of reasoned that it wouldn't be data access because when connecting as user2 into business system, but user1 into windows that the data access was ok. But as I write this and reading your comments, I'm thinking, in user2 connects to business system they will be using data connection setup for user1...
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Quote nzmikew Replybullet Posted: 21 Jul 2007 at 2:53pm
just been back in and run various traces, but at the point of the problem, there is nothing happening on the database. I have traced steps prior to that point and they are the same.
At appears to be the step that takes the input from user (ie the item selected from the list box) and putting it into the text box for the parameter field.
The next step is to click on the "ok" button and at this point there is database activity.
What would be stopping the value from being put into the value of the parameter field????
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Quote BrianBischof Replybullet Posted: 21 Jul 2007 at 4:11pm
Unfortunately, I have no idea. However, you never stated what the actual error is (or what is happening wrong). Is there an actual error message or does the data just not appear on the report?

What if you create a second parameter and put it on the report? Maybe of a different data type or one not used anywhere else in the report. It's just an idea to test if there is something corrupted with the report's internal structure. When something doesn't make any sense, I "play around the edges" of the problem and see if I can learn anything that way. Many times a random test case lets me figure out the underlying problem. Actually, the best thing to do is to create a brand new report with nothing on it but a single parameter and see if it works with User 2. If so, then figure out what in the other report is different between the two parameters and track it down from there.

I'm also curious if you can log in as User 2 without using Terminal Services. I wonder if there is somehow a disconnect with TS and CR? What if you create a new User 3 and see if they can call the report? Possibly the User 2 had a permission get changed that you haven't noticed and creating a new user would test this.

Edited by BrianBischof - 21 Jul 2007 at 4:12pm
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Quote nzmikew Replybullet Posted: 21 Jul 2007 at 7:55pm
re actual error, in situation that "works", user choses "yes" from drop list. When the user moves from the drop list, the parameter field is populated with "yes" and when the user clicks "ok", the CR report looks at value in parameter field and because it = "yes", puts some extra text onto the report.
when it does not work,  user choses "yes" from drop list. When the user moves from the drop list, the parameter field is left blank and when the user clicks "ok", the CR report looks at value in parameter field and because it does not = "yes", does not put some extra text onto the report.
I will work through the suggestions you have put forward and let you know if it exposes any more insights in it. The running from local machine may take a bit of time as currently offsite.
If you think of anything else, please let me know
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Quote nzmikew Replybullet Posted: 22 Jul 2007 at 5:26am
Just had a chance to try creating another parameters. Same result, but as you suggested it did expose something.
For the user2 which it does not work, I thought that the "ok" and "cancel" buttons worked - but they don't - I must have been clicking on "x" to close it.
So this means that for the user2 it's not working at all
So what's it looking for at this point??
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Quote BrianBischof Replybullet Posted: 22 Jul 2007 at 11:15am
doesn't make any sense yet. Did you try creating a user3 to see how the report interacts with default security settings?

As a long shot, I wonder if CR was installed using User1 login? Sometimes the user installing the software can get parts of the app installed just for their access. When other users login then they don't get full use of the program. Again, this is a long shot, but it has happened to me when working at companies that have a myriad of user groups setup and different levels of admin access. I've been frustrated with apps that work with one login but not another. Can you login as user2 and resintall CR?
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Quote nzmikew Replybullet Posted: 22 Jul 2007 at 2:03pm
re users, what I know at this stage is 2 users it works for and 2 users it does not work for. 1 of the user's it works for was the user that was logged in to install CR.
Re setting up another user, plan to do that today.
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Quote nzmikew Replybullet Posted: 22 Jul 2007 at 9:18pm
more feedback, on a standalone pc logged in as user2 and everything works fine
On TS, renamed profile and copied profile of user that works - do not work
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