try this with the all the steps from the prevoius post except for a couple of things.
3c..change the SECOND separator to blank
3d...use this formula for the FIRST separator by clicking the x-2 button
if mid(totext(day({PR_EMPLOYEE_MASTER_1_1.Employee_Date_List1}),0),1,2) in ["11","12","13"]
then "th "
else if mid(totext(day({PR_EMPLOYEE_MASTER_1_1.Employee_Date_List1}),0),1,2) in ["2","22"] then "nd "
else if mid(totext(day({PR_EMPLOYEE_MASTER_1_1.Employee_Date_List1}),0),1,2) in ["3","23"] then "rd "
else if mid(totext(day({PR_EMPLOYEE_MASTER_1_1.Employee_Date_List1}),0),1,2) in ["1","21","31"]
then "st "
else "th "