I have three tables of data I am trying to connect: TableA, TableB, TableC.
Each table is connected to one another by USER ID, and each table has a date field in them (but not all are the same).
I am trying to bring in data from each table into the same report that pertains to each USER ID for a specified window of time.
What I've tried:
My record selection is as follows:
TableADate>=?StartDate and TableADate<=?EndDate
I've created the following groups:
Grouped on Table A USERID
Grouped on TableA DATE
The dates showing are only those pertaining to when the data in TableA were created. The problem with this is that the data in TableB and TableC could have been created on days that are left out, so the report isn't showing all of the dates needed.
Possible solution?
I'm thinking that if my second group showed everyday in the window of time specified, the report would then show all the data from each table.
Does anyone know how to group on a field that just shows each individual day for a window of time specified by a startdate/enddate parameter?
Edited by louisville2k10 - 30 Nov 2010 at 6:52am