I have a report with 2 groups. In the group footer of the inner group I have several shared variables that conditionally sum up from the detail lines.
{@sumA} is 1 if a detail field is A and 0 if it isn't, (there are similar formulae for other types), and the summary formula is:-
shared numbervar senAcount;
{@sumA} > 0 then
senAcount := senAcount + 1
else senAcount
That all works fine in GF1. But then I have to show it in GF2, and at this point it adds the last @sumA on again, making the totals one out.
How can I take the figures in GF1 and put them unaltered in the fancy design bit of the report in GF2, which does an awful lot of other things as well, and is what I am being asked to produce.
Please don't suggest a subreport, I am already using one to get the details, and they can't be nested, which is why I am doing all this explicitly.