Greetings ppl!
First I must apologize if my English isn't good since I'm not quite familiar with accounting jargon

I'm using CR 9 and I have a little problem. I'm creating a simple cross tab report for viewing Invoices on monthly basis. Columns are invoice months and rows are customers. That part is ok

Now, in summerized fields I have a formula field that goes like this: QTY*PRICE/EXCRT (exchange rate). Fields used in this formula are from 2 tables and are working just fine, it sums correctly all the values for all the invoices for given month.
The problem is in this - I must include in the mentioned formula a negative value for all the invoices that the customer has changed his mind about the order.
I've created another formula that goes like this:
(formulas are simple but still can't guess why, when I use that part which starts with 'ELSE ...' , they don't work).
The result I get is some funny amount.
I've checked both formulas separately (one at a time) in the cross tab and they give me wanted amounts but when I use them both (like two summarized fields) or in a one formula (mentioned before) I don't get what I want.
Any ideas how to solve this?