Hi Brian,
In reading your post, I just had to go to my copy of your new book and read the rest of what you wrote on Checkboxes. Now I have a couple of comments and questions.
1. Cool, I especially like the idea of using the phone symble instead of "PH:" or "Phone:" as a label next to the phone number.
2. You're right, converting to decimal from hex is a real pain. So I built a quick spreadsheet using the "HEX2DEC" function to list all of the numbers (and their decimal equivalents) from 01 to FF. I printed it to a PDF, and now it's a quick look-up.
1. Do you always have to use a three character decimal number? For instance, in converting envelope character (HEX 2A) to decimal, do you use Chr(42) or Chr(042)? It seems that I remember from the old "Alt + NumPad" days, that we always had to type three digits.
2. Is the Wingdings font resonably universal? Or is there some chance of it not being translated properly by some PC/Printer combinations?