So I've had a request come through they would like to know if the calls were still open on this date and then graph it.
They have a report currently that shows via a lovely line graph how many calls were opened for that week period
and another one to show how many were resolved for that week period
I cannot work out how to show what calls were ACTIVE for that week period.
Call 123 opened on the 21/3/2011 and resolved on the 24/3/2011
So for 2 current graphs show that X amount were opened on the 21st and Y amount were Resolved on the 24th
The new report/graph needs to show that Z calls were active/open on the 21st, 22nd, 23rd and 24th
This report is just for a date last year until now, rolling report every week.
But that just puts it into the field per entry. And can't be graphed.
This can only be done by the date fields, as nothing else in the database indicates what days the call was open for.
Edited by Jared - 04 Jan 2012 at 1:43pm