I'm not sure of anyway using Crystal directly (maybe subreports), this would be possible using derived tables in a SQL command though. I'd need more information regarding the tables in your database and how they're joined before I could begin to help you write a query though.
If you're familiar with SQL, the following should get you started;
call.driver as 'Employee',
'Driver' as 'Role',
from call
union all
call.attendant as 'Employee',
'Attendant' as 'Role',
from call
Basically all that will do will list all calls made twice, once with the drivers name in the employee column, then again with the attendants name in the same column - which will allow you to group by "Employee" to get a total count of calls they were involved in.
Edited by rkrowland - 29 Jan 2012 at 11:42pm