I have a question for a report I am working on. The report has two groups. Group1 is City and group 2 is County. They want to see the all the cities first and then after the lat city, they want to see the counties. So how do we format the report in such a way that all the cities are shown in multiple pages in the beginning, say from page 1 to page 30 and then the county page begins after the last city gets done with. Did anyone have a report like this? Please let me know and any help will be appreciated. Below is what I want to see.
page 1 -----
group1 : City 1: Monroe
detail Id Name
002 Todd Turner
003 Milla Liu
City 2: Shreveport
005 Jill Mase
008 Brad James
page2 -------
City 3: Baton-rouge
ID Name
009 keenu Gene
010 Bon hart
City 4: New Orleans
ID Name
020 Francois Pierce
040 dolores pinto
Page 3 ----
group2: County 1
ID Name
050 Gina Thomas
080 Tedd Mars
County 2
ID Name
090 Fred Norm