Hi All,
I am currently writing a crystal report but have hit a bit of a brick wall and I'm hoping someone will be able to help me.
In brief what I am trying to do is:
The table I am looking at is for Estimates we create and for 1 estimate it can have upto 5 components
EG: Est 1 - Comp 1, Comp 2, Comp 3, Comp 4 and Comp 5
What I want to see is the first available Component per estimate. Unfortunately it is not as simple are as {Comp}= "Comp 1" because our estimators are able to delete "Comp 1", making "Comp 2" the first component.
What I need is something along the lines of:
If Comp 1 is the first compent hide the rest else
if Comp 2 is the first compent hide the rest
Have tried:
if {Comp}="Comp 1" then {Comp}="Comp 1" else
if {Comp}="Comp 2" then {Comp}="Comp 2" else
Any help you can give would be much appreciated.
Thank you