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Quote BSquare Replybullet Topic: Converting weird decimal to string in a cross tab
    Posted: 16 Jul 2012 at 1:58pm
I am working on an already existing report that was built by someone no longer with the company. He built a cross tab and the data he is pulling is being converted to 0's and 1's and then created a legend to help correlate. What I want to do is possibly use a formula to convert these behind the scenes instead of using a confusing legend. I was thinking in the Cross Tab Group Options (it's a row of grouped items) to use a formula as group name. I just need help on the formula, I'm still really new! So what I have is = Medicare and Medicaid = CICP = CICP and Medicaid = CICP and Medicare.
I've tried searching everything I can think of and cant come up with a formula that works. Is this even possible? If not, is there a way that I can at least shorten the numbers down, because per the legend it should be 011 = Medicare and Medicaid, 100 = CICP so on and so forth. Any advise would be greatly appreciated by this newbie!
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Quote lockwelle Replybullet Posted: 18 Jul 2012 at 3:24am
well, this is what comes to mind...
shared stringvar array x = split({table.field}, ".")
local numbervar z;
local stringvar result := "";  //initializing is probably overkill
for z = 1 to 3 (
  result = result + totext(val(x[z]), "", 0);
my syntax might be off, check with help in CR, but this should give 011, 100, 101.
Since CR is Basicish  the index starts at 1, if it was more Cish it would start at 0.  I only used the first 3 digits as it appears from the example that the last section .00 is never used.
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