I have been given a project (Crystal Report 8.5) where the desired crystal report to be developed was given to me in many MS Word document hardcopies. Unfortunately, the client has forgotten to specify the tables and fields where things will be coming from (to populate the controls) before heading off for a 2 week vacation and expects alot of progress on his return.
Since the client is away on vacation and I would like to advance in the project (while he is gone), at least in the creation of the crystal report itself even if it's controls were to remain unbound in the meantime I would like to know if this plan will work.
From what I have seen (kindly correct if I am wrong) .. upon creation of a crystal report the table name and database has to be inputted already by the user ... in my case I know what is the database name but have no idea yet which tables data would be coming from.
My plan is to just later bind all the text controls/checkboxes etc. in the said crystal report, later upon the client's return. So is this possible?
It is easily possible in other reporting systems I tried in the past but since I am just starting with Crystal Report any advise from experts will help me not hit too many walls. Thanks for all the help and guidance, I really appreciate it
Edited by versm - 04 Aug 2012 at 8:57pm