I have a report calculating consecutive sick time. If sick time has been coded more than once in 21 days, I flag the row on the report.
The report may look as follow
Employee ID Name Date Worked Consecutive Sick Time
100 John Doe 2012/08/13
200 Jim Test 2012/09/21
300 Jane Test2 2012/10/13
300 Jane Test2 2012/11/01 **
400 John Test3 2012/09/29
400 John Test3 2012/10/28
500 Jane Test4 2012/09/16
500 Jane Test4 2012/09/25 **
I’d like to change the report to only print employees who have been flagged as follow
Employee ID Name Date Worked Consecutive Sick Time
300 Jane Test2 2012/10/13
300 Jane Test2 2012/11/01 **
500 Jane Test4 2012/09/16
500 Jane Test4 2012/09/25 **
I set up suppress detail section formula
{@Consecutive_Sick} = " "
It doesn’t work, I can only suppress where {@Consecutive_Sick} = " " and I lose ie.
Employee ID Name Date Worked Consecutive Sick Time
300 Jane Test2 2012/10/13
Is there a way to do it ? Thanks in advance.