I've a project with a dataset of a mastertable and two detail tables (Master: patients on ward, detail1: diagnosis, detail 2: pending examination)
In table Patient, there is the room, patID and PatientTEXT, in table diagnosis the patID and Diagnosis-Text, in Exa-Table patID and Exa-Text, joined in the Dataset via 1:n patient to Diagnosis and patient to Examination.
Now I want to create a report, where the rom is the first group header, PatientTEXT the second group and under the patientText should be the details:
First the list of diagnosis
secodn the list of pending examinations.
I made it with details a / b or only one detail-part, but it doesn't work
I always get something like this
Room 13
Patient Miller, Tom *12/2/1958
Diagnosis: fracture of something
exa: X-Ray Head
Diagnosi: fracture of something (same as above!)
exa: X-Ray leg
it should be:
Room xy
Patient Miller
Diagnosis: Fracture of something
diagnosis: Fracture of something ELSE
EXA: X-Ray Head
EXA: x Ray leg
Patient Smith
Diagnosis (not avail.) --> i make this for null-returns of DB by prog.
Exa: (nothing planned)
How to do this??