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Quote Kevinbwdsb Replybullet Topic: Grouping on a Summations
    Posted: 10 Mar 2016 at 10:09am
Hoping someone can assist me with this.   I am in need of a way to calculate how many systems are in a lab environment vs a classroom environment, grouped by age and OS. The information in our Database does not contain a specific field for this. I have created a formula that strips part of the name then sorts and counts units based on the revised name of the unit. (e.g XXXRM111-001 becomes RM111 total units 10). From there I need to create groups based on the total number of units in each location - if there are less than 15 then it's classroom more then 15 it is a Lab. Additionally I then need to total each group. I've tried to group based on my formulas but each time I get an error that you cannot group based on a summation formula. I cannot seem to get a running total to work again it appears that the summation is the issue. I would greatly appreciate any assistance you can provide. We are using Crystal Xi.

Ideally I need the output to look something like the following, frill down on each for location of systems would be nice but not necessarily required.

PC units running Windows 7 in a Classroom that are less than 3 years old - #
PC units running Windows 8 in a Classroom that are more than 3 years old - #
PC units running Windows 7 in a Lab that are less than 3 years old --#

MAC units running OS X in a Classroom that are more then 3 years old - #

Etc for multiple OS's and Platforms

Much thanks in advance.
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Quote kevlray Replybullet Posted: 11 Mar 2016 at 3:20am
Definitely cannot group on a summation since sums happen after grouping.  Other than doing a SQL command or Stored Procedure to provide the sums, I do not have an answer.
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Quote Kevinbwdsb Replybullet Posted: 05 Apr 2016 at 4:51am
HI Kevlray,
   I'm learning crystal on the fly at this point, if you could point me in the right direction of a SQL command or would a sub-reports work for this?

Thanks in advance
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Quote kevlray Replybullet Posted: 05 Apr 2016 at 10:36am
Unfortunately my time is very limited right now.  Maybe one of the other forum volunteers could assist you with this.
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