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TC Tran

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Quote TC Tran Replybullet Topic: Formula issue on a one-to-many relationship table
    Posted: 13 Dec 2016 at 5:31am
Hello, I have created a formula to attempt to display a value when the record from a one-to-many relationship table does not certain a certain values. I have not been successful in producing this formula. My formula is below:

IF NOT ({TBL_INC_FOLLOWUP.FOLLOWUP_SUB_TYPE} IN ["Manager Sign-off", "Director Sign-off"]) THEN "Need Reviewer Sign-Off" ELSE "?"

When a record in the one-to-many relationship table contains the value I'm excluding the result from the formula displayed "Need Reviewer Sign-Off". And when the record does not contain the value I'm excluding, it just display a null value. Is there something wrong with my formula?

I really appreciate any help you could provide in advance!!!

Thank you,
Thanh Tran
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Quote kevlray Replybullet Posted: 13 Dec 2016 at 10:49am
The biggest issue in a one-to-many relationship especially if there are nulls involved.   You should have a condition to check for nulls  i.e.,

if not(isnull({TBL_INC_FOLLOWUP.FOLLOWUP_SUB_TYPE}) ) then
IF NOT ({TBL_INC_FOLLOWUP.FOLLOWUP_SUB_TYPE} IN ["Manager Sign-off", "Director Sign-off"]) THEN "Need Reviewer Sign-Off" ELSE "?"

Also the formula editor should be set for 'Default Values for Nullls'

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TC Tran

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Quote TC Tran Replybullet Posted: 14 Dec 2016 at 10:21pm
Hello Kevlray,

Thank you for your assistance! I revised the formula logic and set formula editor to "Default Values for Nulls" per your suggestions and it doesn't seem to work. For the record where TBL_INC_FOLLOWUP.FOLLOWUP_SUB_TYPE contains "Manager Sign-off" or "Director Sign-off" the result from the formula still displays "Need Reviewer Sign-Off". Do you have any recommendations?

Thank you,
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Quote DBlank Replybullet Posted: 15 Dec 2016 at 3:11am
are you trying to get one value result from multiple rows of data?
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TC Tran

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Quote TC Tran Replybullet Posted: 16 Dec 2016 at 3:12am
Hello DBlank,

Below is an example of a record that contains all 4 values from the FollowUp_Sub_Type table (one-to-many relationship) and I'm trying to create a formula to look when a record does not contain a value of either "Manager-Sign-off" or "Director Sign-off" to display "Need Reviewer Sign-off" in a calculated field.

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Thank you,
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Quote DBlank Replybullet Posted: 16 Dec 2016 at 3:27am
I think you have a primary key like a document_id and that document has multiple rows of data associated to (your 1:many description) and you want to 'assign' a singular value to that document based on looking at all of the rows.
In crystal you generally you would approach this by grouping on the document_id and using a group summary of some sort to derive your value.
Int his case you could assign a numeric value to your 'sign off' field via a formula
example using a formula called 'ReviewSignOff' as
if table.signofffield in ["Manager-Sign-off","Director Sign-off"] then 1 else 0
Now you sum this formula at the document group level
if that sum >0 you have a sign off so you can apply a formula to that logic to get the display value you want
// formula ShowSignerResult
if sum(@ReviewSignOff,table.document_id)>0 then "Need Reviewer Sign-off" else ""
Place this formula in the group header or footer to show the result for each group
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TC Tran

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Quote TC Tran Replybullet Posted: 19 Dec 2016 at 4:43am
Hello DBlank,

Thank you so much for your help! This suggestion works beautifully!!! I really appreciate your help!
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