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Quote TokyoAnt Replybullet Topic: virtual groups
    Posted: 27 Feb 2007 at 6:39pm
I have a single group that has various names which serve as subgroups, though they are really not subgroups in the report, just differerent names.
(make sense?Confused)
For example, the group includes: "Infrastructure Services", "IS-Team", "IS-PAT". The rows starting with IS serve as subgroups to Infra~ Services, even though they are in reality equal elements of the same group.
How can I sum these as below:
if GroupName ({ResourceUsageReport.OrganizationName}) = "Infrastructure Services"
    // sum group above that begins with "IS"
else if GroupName ({ResourceUsageReport.OrganizationName}) = "Managed Services"
     // sum group above that begins with "MS"
else if GroupName ({ResourceUsageReport.OrganizationName}) = "Management Consulting"
    //  sum group above that begins with "MC"

    // sum
Hope this makes sense. Thanks very much for any ideas on this.
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Quote BrianBischof Replybullet Posted: 27 Feb 2007 at 7:47pm
I would create a global variable for each group sum you want to track. Then insert these variables into the proper place in the formula you listed above.
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Quote TokyoAnt Replybullet Posted: 27 Feb 2007 at 8:49pm
Thanks for your answer. I'm still unsure as to how what I would use to create the values for the global variables with.
I need to somehow determine which 'group' i.e the organizationName & its associated value I will be summing. By looking at the code I pasted, can you see how this could be done?
Basically what I want to do in "very" pseudo code is:
if GroupName ({ResourceUsageReport.OrganizationName}) = "Infrastructure Services"
sum ({ResourceUsageReport.OrganizationName})  only those who's Len(({ResourceUsageReport.OrganizationName}),2) = "IS"
if GroupName ({ResourceUsageReport.OrganizationName}) = "Managed Services"
sum ({ResourceUsageReport.OrganizationName})  only those who's Len(({ResourceUsageReport.OrganizationName}),2) = "MS"
Basically, I don't have a clue how to do thisConfused
Thanks for any ideas on this

Edited by TokyoAnt - 27 Feb 2007 at 9:07pm
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Quote BrianBischof Replybullet Posted: 27 Feb 2007 at 10:21pm
Ok, I don't have time to write the report, but here is some more pseudo-code that should get you in the right direction.

Global NumberVar ISSum
Global NumberVar MSSum
if GroupName ({ResourceUsageReport.OrganizationName}) = "Infrastructure Services" and Len(({ResourceUsageReport.OrganizationName}),2) = "IS"
ISSum = ISSum + {ResourceUsageReport.OrganizationName}
if GroupName ({ResourceUsageReport.OrganizationName}) = "Managed Services" and Len(({ResourceUsageReport.OrganizationName}),2) = "MS" then
MSSum = MSSum + {ResourceUsageReport.OrganizationName}

Hmm.. for some reason the spacing is all screwed up, but its readable.
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Quote TokyoAnt Replybullet Posted: 01 Mar 2007 at 8:07pm
Hi Brian, Thanks for the input. I'm an absolute beginner to reports & there must be something fundamental about reports & perhaps their evaluation time that I'm missing.
What I need is to sum all the rows (they are average values) with group names starting with IS & place this value in the row with the  group name "Infrastructure Services". etc.
I tried applying what you recommended above but all group rows returned a value of 0.
Below is the code. (I assumed you meant Left when you used Len in your example):
Global NumberVar ISSum1;
Global NumberVar MSSum1;
Global NumberVar MCSum1;
// For the groupheader valued "Infrastructure"

if GroupName ({ResourceUsageReport.OrganizationName}) = "Infrastructure Services"
// Sum all group headers that start with "IS"

    if Left(({ResourceUsageReport.OrganizationName}),2) = "IS"
        ISSum1 := ISSum1  + ( Sum ({ResourceUsageReport.Period1}, {ResourceUsageReport.OrganizationName})
        / sum({@AvailWkHrs1},{ResourceUsageReport.OrganizationName})*100 )
for the groupheader valued "Manged Services"

else if GroupName ({ResourceUsageReport.OrganizationName}) = "Managed Services"
// Sum all groupheaders that start with value  "MS"

    if Left(({ResourceUsageReport.OrganizationName}),2) = "MS"
        MSSum1 := MSSum1 + (Sum ({ResourceUsageReport.Period1}, {ResourceUsageReport.OrganizationName})
// All groups starting with IS, MS etc (i.e. Not named  "Infratructure Services" or "Managed Services")

    Sum ({ResourceUsageReport.Period1}, {ResourceUsageReport.OrganizationName})
    / sum({@AvailWkHrs1},{ResourceUsageReport.OrganizationName})*100
* Currently I'm just summing them for test purposes. They will need to be averages but this is not an issue so disregard that. I'm just after *placement* of values at the moment.
Thank you very much for any assistance you can give on this.

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