Thanks for the info. I cannot figure out what is wrong. but, all the records it is pulling are not even on my excel datasource. I've tripled checked the linking. It is even pulling records with nothing in that field. So, to me it sounds like a linking issue, but ? SQL query is below
SELECT DISTINCT "ORDERS"."Branch", "ORDERS"."CloseAgent", "ORDERS"."GFNo", "ORDERS"."Service", "TOMain"."Description", "Buysel"."City", "ORDERS"."Status", "Buysel"."Name1Last", "Buysel"."Name1First", "Buysel"."Name2Last", "Buysel"."Name2First", "ORDERS"."IsLocked", "ORDERS"."OpenDate", "ORDERS"."RegID", "Buysel"."Name1Full", "Buysel"."Name2Full"
FROM (("ccWin"."dbo"."ORDERS" "ORDERS" LEFT OUTER JOIN "ccWin"."dbo"."TOMain" "TOMain" ON "ORDERS"."TONum"="TOMain"."TONum") LEFT OUTER JOIN "ccWin"."dbo"."BUYER" "BUYER" ON "ORDERS"."GFNo"="BUYER"."GFNo") LEFT OUTER JOIN "ccWin"."dbo"."Buysel" "Buysel" ON "BUYER"."BuyerSellerID"="Buysel"."BuyerSellerID"
WHERE "ORDERS"."OpenDate">={ts '2019-01-01 00:00:01'} AND "ORDERS"."Status"<>'Cancelled' AND NOT ("ORDERS"."GFNo" LIKE 'mis%' OR "ORDERS"."GFNo" LIKE 'tes%') AND "ORDERS"."Branch"<>'ADMIN'
ORDER BY "ORDERS"."Status", "ORDERS"."CloseAgent", "ORDERS"."GFNo"
EXTERNAL JOIN Buysel.Name1Full={?\\nutella\shared\Administrative and Policies\MW Crystal Reports\Employee List 04-17-20.xls: Sheet_.Name} AND Buysel.Name2Full={?\\nutella\shared\Administrative and Policies\MW Crystal Reports\Employee List 04-17-20.xls: Sheet_.Name}
\\nutella\shared\Administrative and Policies\MW Crystal Reports\Employee List 04-17-20.xls
FROM `Sheet$` `Sheet_`
WHERE `Sheet_`.`Name`={?bigdog: Buysel.Name1Full} AND `Sheet_`.`Name`={?bigdog: Buysel.Name2Full}
Edited by JWagner - 30 Apr 2020 at 11:06am