Hello, to begin with let me say this is an excellent site with an abundance of information. I apologize if this is not the right area to post this question but I wasn’t sure just where I should post it.
I have been working with Visual Studios 2005 for a little over a year now. I am currently working on a site that is intended to be used for Planning and Scheduling of manufactured products, specifically electrical motors. In any regards I chose to do it with a website so that it can be accessed more easily from various areas, be it at work, or away from work.
I am a novice when it comes to developing websites but have made good progress in doing so. In any regards I finally reached a point where I need a good package that can give me nicely formatted reports and make it simple for someone to print out that information rather then just trying to print the webpage.
I have hopefully made a “decent” choice in that I purchased Crystal Reports XI standard edition. I had a difficult time trying to figure out what reporting software would work best so I figured I could try CR standard edition and see if it will meet my needs.
Therefore here is my question, from what I can gather, your book “Crystal Reports Encyclopedia Volume 1: Professional XI Reports” has a wealth of good information which may get me up to speed quickly. However I see it is for “Professional”. Would it still be a good resource for me since I am using the Standard edition? Would it be a good reference and learning tool if I am using CR specifically on a website? If not could you recommend another resource?
Thank you once again and I look forward to your feedback,
Edited by NicroJ - 16 Mar 2008 at 10:32am