Hi Experts,
ing to Chart/graph the data.
The co-orduinates of the graph are as below.
Vw_rp_job_status.CARD_TYPE on X-axis
And the Percentage of the work completion on Y-axis.
Here is the formula for the Percentage_work_Completed.
numbervar WIP_Cards := (Sum ({@QA Final}, {Vw_rp_job_status.CARD_TYPE})+
Sum ({@Work Complete}, {Vw_rp_job_status.CARD_TYPE})+
Sum ({@Audit Comp}, {Vw_rp_job_status.CARD_TYPE}));
numbervar Total_Cards := WIP_Cards + Sum ({@Open}, {Vw_rp_job_status.CARD_TYPE});
But When I am trying to right click on the chart and modify the SHOW in the DATA tab. It is not showing the Percentage formula in the drop down.
Please help me on this.