is this in SQL server? If so, the syntax is not right... it would be like:
select substring(string1, charindex('Campus', string), a length) as x from table
if the substrings are in the same record, you can concatenate like:
select substring(string1, charindex('Campus', string), a length) + substring(string1, charindex('DL', string), a length) as x from table.
if the length is not predetermined, you will need to determine a method to find the 'end' of the string. Say there is a '.'(period) that is the end of the string you are looking for, you could do something like:
select substring(string1, charindex('Campus', string), charindex('.', string) - charindex('Campus', string) - 6 + 1) as x from table.
- 6 is for the length of Campus, plus 1 is to include the endpoints.