Our software application allows the user to determine how to output a report (Print, Preview, Export, etc.) prior to the report executing. From there, we pass the values through to our VB program which will programmatically determine how to output the report (to a printer, using the crystalreportviewer or some other method).
In VB6 we were using Crystal's RDC. Specifically the CRAXDRT 11.0 library.
One of the methods allowed by CRAXDRT was .Export() which would bring up the Export dialog box and the user could choose what format the file should be in (PDF, RTF, etc) as well as the destination (Disk, Applicatoin, MAPI, etc) they would like the file to be saved to.
With the Crystal Report for .NET 2005 assemblies, how do I get the Export dialog box to appear? We are using the ReportDocument object model, and there are export options (Export, ExportToDisk, ExportToHttpResponse and ExportToStream), but all require that you put in the format and/or destination at the time you are coding it. I want the user to be able to choose the format and destination.
Any ideas? Thank you.