Green Crystal user here. Need an assist in creating an array in the main and passing it to the sub as a selection parameter. The goal here is to pull a random sample of 377 records sorted one way. Pass to subreport as an array or whatever and use in the selection in the subreport.
//This is what I have so far in the details section
Global StringVar Array Record_Names;
Global Numbervar Counter;
if ((Counter) <= 376)
Counter := (Counter+1);
Redim preserve Record_Names[Counter];
Record_Names[Counter] := {TABLE.RECORD_NAME};
In terms of passing it to the sub, I've read some things about using the join function to convert array to a string and then using the split function in the selection formula in the sub but still not really sure... Also, do I need to surpress the details selection to limit the sample to 377? Anyway, any guidance would be extremely appreciated...