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Quote GrrCrystal Replybullet Topic: Linking Tables with Indexes in XI
    Posted: 13 Aug 2007 at 1:29pm
ok, so I am not a Crystal XI expert but our planning software uses Crystal for reporting so I have become a reluctant user since v8.  Here is my {hopefully} easy question....
I have a report that is based on one table type (TableA) and includes several other data tables (TableB, C, D, E, etc.) and within that report I want to add TableF, which within the software can be "assigned" to TableB and have it display the "assigned" TableF field for each TableB field.
The problem is every time I add TableF to the report the linking never works out.  I can not find a "like" (pk or fk) field to link TableF and TableB.  TableF has two indexed fields as well (!st and 2nd Index)
Does this make sense?  If not, I will try to explain better.  Angry

Edited by GrrCrystal - 13 Aug 2007 at 1:31pm
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Quote BrianBischof Replybullet Posted: 14 Aug 2007 at 9:29pm
Unfortunately, I've been in airports all day and my brain isn't processing this. But to link tables you have to use the Table Linking Expert. You can drag and drop links between fields. It also tells you which ones are indexed. You can change the join type (left, right, outer) as well.

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Quote vanishing11 Replybullet Posted: 20 Aug 2007 at 11:45am

The reason you may not be able to link Table B to Table F is because there may not be any common field between the two.

You may try looking at a third Table (like a translation table, lets call it Table Trans) that has a fields in common with both tables.

For example if one table has Client ID and the other table has Address ID then try looking for a table that has Clien to Address type of thing. That way you can link Table B to Table Trans on Client ID and Table F to Table Trans on Address ID.

This will give you the connections you need to bring in the date you need.
On some occations you may need more that one Translation table but hopefully this will help you.
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