ok, so I am not a Crystal XI expert but our planning software uses Crystal for reporting so I have become a reluctant user since v8. Here is my {hopefully} easy question....
I have a report that is based on one table type (TableA) and includes several other data tables (TableB, C, D, E, etc.) and within that report I want to add TableF, which within the software can be "assigned" to TableB and have it display the "assigned" TableF field for each TableB field.
The problem is every time I add TableF to the report the linking never works out. I can not find a "like" (pk or fk) field to link TableF and TableB. TableF has two indexed fields as well (!st and 2nd Index)
Does this make sense? If not, I will try to explain better.

Edited by GrrCrystal - 13 Aug 2007 at 1:31pm