Hi all
I am asked to put in the header the values maxdate, mindate and maxnr p/ day and minnr. p/day
The listing looks like this, and yes there are more nr.val on one day that might be equal en Yes sometimes a number can be missed on a day,
RecDat nr.
31-01-2011 1481
31-01-2011 1481
31-01-2011 1482
31-01-2011 1483
01-02-2011 1
01-02-2011 2
01-02-2011 3
01-02-2011 5
Now , i need to put this in the header out in front of the report.
I used the month values to group the records >> group 2 = order on date
Since there is the newstart of the nr sequence on every first day of the month, i cant simpley get away with min and max vals.
I have tried with running totals , and ended up to code my own here.
>> if i place this field in header or footer i have the correct reading.
Using min max vals did not give me any better results.
Just for more intersted i handled the moths and groups with these below
This is an efford to get that value where that maxdate is in the header.
Now it works on the low value but not on the max value.
The maxvalue is correctly shown in thye footer p/ group
Whilereading did not made some diff for me.
Who has some answer please ?
If whished for, ill mail you an Excel sheet from wich i get the data and the report based on that data.
Edited by Irineas - 18 Feb 2011 at 5:02am